Friday, July 26, 2013

Chisinau Ministries

Our time in Chisinau has almost come to an end! We only have two more days before we leave on Sunday. In the short amount of time we have been back here it has been jam-packed, complete with visiting new friends, celebrating birthdays, and visiting an orphanage with a ministry titled Stella's Voice. This ministry has a special place in my heart because while I spent some time in Europe God began shaping my heart to be compassionate toward those involved in human trafficking, but when I got back to the states I quickly got involved with school and a job and couldn't focus on actively fighting against it. However, I found ways through my school classes to deeply research this topic and raise awareness at my school, complete with media coverage. I thank God for this! During this time my sister found out about Stella's Voice, an organization that takes in girls and boys who age out of the orphanges' here in Moldova who are at high risk of getting trafficked. Once they arrive at their house (either Stella's house for girls, Simon's house for boys, or Providence house for orphans and single young moms) they are given a community, spiritual growth, food, education and other various undertakings until they graduate University, then they can support themselves and be on their own. I was very interested in volunteering with them over the summer but in His sovereignty, God had other plans, which were better than what I could have imagined. However, He is always faithful and even though I came here to do an english camp, we have been lucky enough to spend some time at Stella's house, on tuesday and thursday.

And tonight we will be hosting a youth service where we will share our testimonies, give a sermon and play some games to get to know some of them. I cannot wait! Tuesday we got a tour of the main house (they have expanded to four houses with two more and a church building under construction!) and talked for a long time with one of the girls who has been there for three years, God has brought so much healing to her, her story was truly touching. The daughter of the founder happened to be there as well, so talking to her we got some valuable information. It was nice to hear an american accent! Thursday we spent the day at Providence house (in a village an hour and a half away from Chisinnau) helping at an orphan camp they were hosting. The camp consisted of games, meals, a program and random activities. On the way back we stopped at a war memorial celebrating those who sacrificed during world war 2, it was beautiful.

On wednesday we celebrated one of the staff girls birthday! Her name is Zina and she was the director of the Speak Out Project but she is also the girl I am staying with. God has blessed her with many gifts and it has been a joy getting to know her and to be serving Christ together. I will miss her! In Moldova is is traditional on someones birthday that they cook for friends and family and throughout the day everyone comes over randomly and celebrates. Everyone kept saying they don't know why they keep up this tradition because the birthday person is always stuck cooking and cleaning up after everyone leaves-usually very late) Zina's apartment is now full of cake and flowers. In the middle of the chaos we managed to steal away and go bowling for a little bit. It was so much fun!

As I said earlier, tonight we will be doing ministry with Stella's Voice and tomorrow we will meet with some of the students (whoever can come) we met during camp at a nearby mall for the last time. Please pray for us as we speak and share what God has been doing in us with students tonight and as we meet with more students tomorrow, that we will stay strong until the vey end! Thank you <3

Monday, July 22, 2013

Speak Out 2013

Words can not even describe the emotions I feel as I think about everything that happened the last two weeks. (I wish I could post pictures, but my iphoto is broken, pictures will follow as soon as I get it fixed) It was beyond what I ever could have asked for! We arrived saturday July 6 and for the next two weeks I had no clue as to what the date was, with no internet and wifi it was a nice break from the outside world. God has us there to focus on that time and that time only. Esther 4: 14 "...yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" We spent two days getting to know our way around the camp as well as getting to know our team. The first week there were 6 of us, Matt and EB Jackson (missionaries to Hungary), the three of us from San Antonio, and one other lady from Dallas, Judy. Judy was my room-mate and God has given us a special bond, I will miss her greatly! We also got to know the disciples from Moldova who were part of the second program going on at the same time. I am so honored and blessed to call them my friends. Sunday afternoon our campers arrived and we were set up with our tutor groups. From then on it was high energy and constant activity.

Our mornings started with breakfast at 8 a.m. (usually oatmeal and bread/cheese) and morning class until 11. Morning class consisted of a discussion time/games/american dance time and a lesson taught by our friend Matt Jackson, a missionary to Hungary. Morning class was followed by a break and than a time of bible study for staff members and a discussion group for the students. Lunch was at 1:30 (it was mostly potatoes and soup) and then a slight break or pool time until 3:30. At 3:30-6:30 the tutors and students met to get to know each other-to hang out, and to share the gospel through different ways. My favorite thing to do during this time was to go to "the beach," get ice-cream with my students and just hang out and talk/play sports with them. I was usually exhausted after this time, both physically and mentally. But the time I got to spend with the students was precious and I wouldn't trade it for anything. God used this time to capture their hearts and by the end of the week a few of them made the decision to become born again believers, the way God works is truly breathtaking! After tutor time was dinner (again..potatoes) and then a program at 7 until break at 9 (some form of bread and black tea). The program consisted of various activities, a scavenger hunt, talent show, american culture night, movie night, games, etc. After nine we would just hang out and do whatever until the wee hours of the night. These times were so much fun! My favorite was the talent show and of course friday night, when we had our last event-who can get the most points by playing games to pie an american followed by a dance. We learned traditional Irish dances and Moldavian dances! I barely got sleep friday nights, I always felt like the time I was able to spend with the students shouldn't be wasted, I will probably never see them again and I wanted to make sure they knew who God is. Friday was also decision day- the most important time of the week. The tutors would meet with each student individually and talk to them about their state spiritually. My 6 students from week one were very passive about it (except for 2, woohoo!) and out of my 10 students from week two, two came to know God, three were ready to make a decision but wanted to be sure and some were already Christians. I always had mixed feelings on fridays, because it was the last time I would spend with them yet it was also exciting because I knew God had a lot on store for tutor time.

We decided early on that we would measure success on presenting the gospel clearly and truthfully, not on how many make a decision to follow Christ. We know that we are merely ambassadors for Christ, and once they hear the gospel it is now their choice whether they accept or not. Sill the hardest part was walking away from those who didn't make a decision but I know that God will not relent and the work He has done in those students is not finished. On saturdays we said bye to our students, then went sightseeing the first week, and the second week we just rested and cleaned up a bit and had a staff party! It was so much fun, everyone dressed up and it was a time of encouragement and reflection. Serving alongside the group of people God called together for this project was phenomenal. We are all working towards one goal- "Go therefore and make disciples of the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." At the end of the night we started clapping thanking God for all He had/continues to do, and it turned into a synchronized beat that went on for a few minutes, it was one of the most powerful times of worship I have ever felt, and there were no words, just clapping. Wow.

We left the camp sunday and this next week we will be partnering with various ministries around Moldova. Please keep us in your prayers, that we be filled with the Spirit so we don't miss any opportunities to share the gospel and that we recover from the last two weeks and have energy and strength to continue doing God's work.

Thank you! <3

Friday, July 5, 2013

Crosswalks and Religion

After 4 plane rides and an exhausting 32 hours of traveling we arrived safely in Moldova with no lost luggage, high spirits and tired eyes. My first observation was at how green the landscape is and at how many wine vineyards there are-apparently they are known for them. Also I was amazed by the crosswalks here...I thought the crosswalks in Italy were bad enough but here you are literally stepping out crossing your fingers hoping that the car stops, it is absolutely petrifying! 
Two of the leaders working for Campus Crusade for Christ picked us up from the airport, fed us and took us to where we are staying for the time being. We are staying in the city with people from Campus Crusade for Christ but will leave tomorrow to go to the camp where we will have no wifi and very limited hot water, woohoo! To prepare for the camp, over the last few days we have been going through a sort of orientation where are are learning how to share the gospel among the Moldovan culture effectively and getting to know some of the Moldovan staff we will be working with through seeking God in prayer and devotion times. Yesterday we met with some of the youth leading the Moldovan part of the camp and they showed us around town-we went to the national museum, an orthodox church and Independence Plaza, where there is a giant statue of Stephen the instead of celebrating the fourth of July I studied up on my Moldovan history.

One thing I wasn't prepared for is how poor of a country Moldova is and how oppressed by the orthodox church it is. In our gospel training, we are taught specifically to focus on the deep love of Christ and that is is through grace we are saved and not by works. We pray that God breaks the chains of religion that is holding these people back from an intimate relationship with Him. On a happier note, at the church we met a man who ended up giving his life to Christ right then and there, it was truly amazing! In my heart I feel that this was just the beginning, like we are standing only on the edge of what is going to happen over the next two weeks. I know that God will be working in the hearts of the youth coming and that many people will choose to follow Him. I cannot wait, the passion and excitement I feel is barely containable! Please pray that we are burdened for the souls of the youth coming, so burdened that we desire and seek opportunities to share the gospel with them and are able to witness a change in their life without being held back by fear we will not be "accepted by them." That is why we are here, not to just help them learn english...but to know that they know they are loved by a God who died for them and loves them more than anything else. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and please keep us in your prayers! My team is only 6 people for 50 students so we will need all the prayers and strength from God that we can get! As soon as I get internet again I will post about how God is working. Be blessed <3

Monday, July 1, 2013

Mission Moldova

Hello wonderful followers! I realized that I have not been the best blogger, being that this is my first blog in a few months...8 to be exact. I am very sorry! With being a full time student, working roughly 30 hours a week and not to mention a social life, I find I have very little time to write as much as I would like. To my excitement that is now changing! I just finished up summer classes and will be spending the next month (July2-July29) in Chisinau, Moldova working at a youth english camp. Isn't God good? This trip came up as a surprise and for a long period of time I didn't even consider going. However, I realized that I hadn't even prayed about it and as I began praying God slowly shaped my heart to be open to going. Soon it became the only thing consuming my thoughts and now as I'm packing my belongings my mind is consumed with eagerness to see what God will do and I cannot wait to see what He has planned. My team is just three people from my church in San Antonio, Texas but we are meeting other people there. The camp we are working at is called Speak Out and as far as I know we will be the tutors of certain groups of students for three weeks where we can grow in relationships with them and show them the love of Christ. The camp is a christian camp so we will teach english through the gospel message and through stories of what God has done in our own personal lives.

Going into this I have shocked myself, because I am definitely not the teacher type and I cannot imagine how this is going to work, but when I am weak God is strong and I do not doubt He will come through like He has each and every time. I am reminded of when Peter walks out into the water with his eyes only on Jesus, and without knowing it he is doing the impossible. If I keep my eyes, heart and mind on Jesus He will take care of the rest. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this post, and if you stay connected, I will be updating this blog as often as I can.

I am incredibly grateful for the support I have already received but if you would like to furthermore support me on this journey, I have placed a paypal donation button on this blog that is very user-friendly. The total cost of the trip is 3,500 which covers everything. I will continously post about how much has  been raised. However, the biggest support I need is prayer, and the rest will fall into place.

  1. Please pray that me and my team are open to the Holy Spirit working through us, guiding us and directing us. 
  2. Pray that we become less so God can become more and that we rely on God and His strength and listen when He speaks to us. 
  3. Pray that God prepares the hearts of those who we are going to meet and minister to and that many divine appointments are met. 
  4. Pray that God captures hearts and reveals his glory. 
  5. And pray that above all else, God is glorified, people come to a saving knowledge of Him and His kingdom is expanded.
Thank you so much and I will be in touch soon <3