Thursday, October 27, 2011
Can You Say Talent??
For the first time ever the Go Europe: Mobile DTS held it's own talent show!! I am so proud of my fellow YWAMER's, we rocked the house! It opened by the two Patricks singing their own edition of "hit me baby one more time," followed by Andy singing a beautiful acoustic song. Then the girls took the stage; four of us did the hoedown throwdown with intense crowd involvement. They were having a blast! In the next act four guys jammed to "we will rock you" and after we learned an indian dance courtesy of Sebastian-a staff member from India. It consists of picking an apple and itching your armpit at the same time. Quite interesting I must say. A couple other people sang original songs but the important part was that we laughed the entire time!! Everyone had so much fun, and afterwards we had a dance party! Tonight was the perfect way to end our time here in Herrnhut, we will have to start saying our goodbyes tomorrow.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Good evening everyone! Our speaker this week is named Henny, and she is the wife of our speaker from last week. She has such a kind and tender heart, but is filled with passion that is evident in everything she does! She has a slight dutch accent and is so funny when she doesn’t know how to say a word in english. Her topics have covered a range from her testimony to David, a man after God’s own heart. She is challenging and isn’t afraid to pull out the conviction card. I have learned to make room in my heart so I can be like Mary, and fall at Jesus’s feet and be willing to give up a years worth of wages to make Him feel at home. I have learned about longings and desires of the human heart, how God created them for His glory but we often fill them with other things. Something that really hit me yesterday was the fact that this world has dulled my capacity to be fascinated by God and God alone, and I was challenged to take a look at the things I do to see if they need to be removed so God can take their place.
Monday I spent the day in the cafe, and the evening in a bible study in the farmhouse. On my walk to the farmhouse I smelt the overwhelming stench of pigs, sheep and cows and ironically, I felt right at home! Due to my high school being an “Ag” school, I smell that everyday so I proudly took it in and proceeded to tell everyone how wonderful it was. In our study we talked about Jesus turning the water into wine, and afterwards we enjoyed real dutch pancakes made by our dutch friend. They were so amazing that I had two, one with apple slices and one without. I prefer without :P
Tuesday was a heart racing day! We knew we would find out about outreach, but we didn’t know when. So all during lecture we were anxiously awaiting the news, while trying to listen with everything we have to the lecture. Finally at 1:00 Julie stepped in front of the class and announced the locations! She also mentioned we have less than a day to tell her which location God tells us, and that we weren’t allowed to talk to each other about it (a rule only half followed). But I got my answer, talked about it with my parents and handed in my piece of paper this morning! Now it is out of my hands and I’m trusting God will work the rest out, because I know He will. Tuesday afternoon at my work duty we got news that we were to break down a concrete wall, woohoo! But me being the only girl had to mop the hallway. Without a mop. So I pull a cinderella and scrub with my hands and knees until the floor was sparkling! Afterwards Jonah was having some serious hand cramping and literally couldn’t move his fingers, so Andy covers his hand and we pray that God would heal his hand. As soon as Andy said “amen,” Jonah bent his fingers!! He was totally fine, like nothing had happened! We all freaked out and started shouting and laughing, it was the first time I had experienced healing. What a crazy day!
Sunday, October 23, 2011
It's sunday and that means another week has flown by! This week was a little easier then the previous weeks, and I am so grateful for that. The topic's were lighter and easier to meditate on, and we found out wonderful news! Stephanie, the girl who left to see her dad, is coming back on tuesday! When she left it didn't seem likely she would be back but alas! God works in mighty ways. We also found what will be going on for a week after outreach; we will split into a few groups and travel to the home churches of some of the germans in our school. So far, all sides of Germany are covered! At their churches we'll share what went on during outreach, where we traveled to, and how God worked in that place but also in our life. The point of this is to reach out to the youth groups of Germany, to strengthen a missional mindset in the churches but also to prepare the "foreigners" (americans, canadians, italians and french) for when we go home and get asked "What did you do on outreach?" I was talking with Amber, a staff member, and she said often times YWAMers blank when asked this question. I have totally witnessed this so I am grateful that we will be learning how to convey what happened. That should take around a week and the rest of the time after outreach is still being prayed about. Your prayers for the guidance of our staff would be very helpful!
Thursday was a pretty ordinary day. Except for the fact that I discovered a mocha milkshake they make in the cafe. Its pretty much the best thing I can drink. I am going to get one today for sure! Thursday night was worship in the prayer room, and it was once again amazing! It was a lot like tuesday's worship only this time was more focused on being joyful so a lot of laughing, shouting and dancing was involved. By the time it was over the room was packed and the chilly breeze of the attic was gone.
Friday was also an "ordinary day." It started off with sleeping in until 7:30 (whoaa) and then attending worship as a school. Then we jumped into lectures where we did this cool prayer from each of us to God about what we want to take away from this week. I want to remember the holiness of God and how I need to continually ask God to reveal more of His character to me. It was really cool to hear what God spoke to everyone and the response from His people. Friday for lunch was this amazing noodle, ginger, coconut milk concoction that I wanted to get seconds on. But I had my first one on one meeting! My one on one is with Amber, a super cool and passionate staff leader. We will meet once a week during the lecture phase and talk about how I am doing, what I'm learning and a bunch of other stuff. I really enjoyed that time because Amber has already been where I am, so it is cool to hear from her. Friday afternoon was a local outreach in a town called Zittau. We got lost on the way there, and forgot a guitar but God provides! We found our way and there was a random girl there who happened to have two guitars. We split into a few groups of two people and went around and talked to people in the street. I got to pray for a blind man and his wife, and Alex my partner, talked to a few people in german. Since I didn't speak the language I prayed while she talked :) Afterwards we gathered in the town square and sang some worship songs and talked to people who came up to us. It was cool to worship God in the open like that, it was so freeing, which is what God wants! Then we decided to get some dinner, as a "family" and enjoyed each others company. That night was also a payer night at the Jesus Haus, so when we arrived at the castle I quickly got out, got ready for a night of prayer, and jumped back in the van. At the prayer night however, I felt very distracted and uncomfortable. I was sort of mad at myself because I really wanted to stay and pray for whatever the topic was but I just couldn't. Finally at 11 I decided to leave. So I trudged all alone through the extremely dark forest singing songs in my head hoping I wouldn't freeze, pee in my pants or fall off the edge of the path with my tiny little flashlight. It was quite exciting! When I got to the castle there was this poor guy just sitting inside and I felt so bad for him, I can't imagine what I looked like barging in beet red and breathing fast! Maybe he was really tired and will think it was all a dream.
Saturday I woke up and went to dresden again to skype my family! I love them so much. It was nice to catch up there, and I got to drink starbucks again. Sweeeet. A few girls and I stayed later than the others and got pizza and bubble tea. Have you ever had that before? It was very interesting! All in all it was a good week, and it ended with a chill weekend. I am still enjoying my time here, but I am looking forward to having a nice calm day today.
Friday was also an "ordinary day." It started off with sleeping in until 7:30 (whoaa) and then attending worship as a school. Then we jumped into lectures where we did this cool prayer from each of us to God about what we want to take away from this week. I want to remember the holiness of God and how I need to continually ask God to reveal more of His character to me. It was really cool to hear what God spoke to everyone and the response from His people. Friday for lunch was this amazing noodle, ginger, coconut milk concoction that I wanted to get seconds on. But I had my first one on one meeting! My one on one is with Amber, a super cool and passionate staff leader. We will meet once a week during the lecture phase and talk about how I am doing, what I'm learning and a bunch of other stuff. I really enjoyed that time because Amber has already been where I am, so it is cool to hear from her. Friday afternoon was a local outreach in a town called Zittau. We got lost on the way there, and forgot a guitar but God provides! We found our way and there was a random girl there who happened to have two guitars. We split into a few groups of two people and went around and talked to people in the street. I got to pray for a blind man and his wife, and Alex my partner, talked to a few people in german. Since I didn't speak the language I prayed while she talked :) Afterwards we gathered in the town square and sang some worship songs and talked to people who came up to us. It was cool to worship God in the open like that, it was so freeing, which is what God wants! Then we decided to get some dinner, as a "family" and enjoyed each others company. That night was also a payer night at the Jesus Haus, so when we arrived at the castle I quickly got out, got ready for a night of prayer, and jumped back in the van. At the prayer night however, I felt very distracted and uncomfortable. I was sort of mad at myself because I really wanted to stay and pray for whatever the topic was but I just couldn't. Finally at 11 I decided to leave. So I trudged all alone through the extremely dark forest singing songs in my head hoping I wouldn't freeze, pee in my pants or fall off the edge of the path with my tiny little flashlight. It was quite exciting! When I got to the castle there was this poor guy just sitting inside and I felt so bad for him, I can't imagine what I looked like barging in beet red and breathing fast! Maybe he was really tired and will think it was all a dream.
Saturday I woke up and went to dresden again to skype my family! I love them so much. It was nice to catch up there, and I got to drink starbucks again. Sweeeet. A few girls and I stayed later than the others and got pizza and bubble tea. Have you ever had that before? It was very interesting! All in all it was a good week, and it ended with a chill weekend. I am still enjoying my time here, but I am looking forward to having a nice calm day today.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Fig Tree
I never know how to start my blog entry. I could spend hours debating what to write as an introduction in my mind, get mad at myself, but never come to a conclusion. I hate it! But I want to share what has been going on these last few days. We have been introduced to a new speaker; I don’t know how to spell his name but I know you pronounce it like “egg-bird” with more of a dutch under tongue, like in your throat. I would spell it out for you, but that in itself would be a challenge. He is the father of one of our staff members and has been in YWAM for a lifetime, in charge of YWAM Asia. He has a warm inviting smile with crinkles around his eyes and passion in his heart. The topic is simple, to know more of God’s character. How can we be a part of YWAM’s slogan (to know God and make Him known) if we do not know God’s character? How can we fall in love with God if we do not know Him? How can we serve Him if we do not know where His heart and desires are? God reveals Himself to us but it is our job to pray that God gives us more revelation of who He is. This is what I wrote down in my “goal journal.” Later that afternoon in bible study we talked about John 1, when Jesus calls to Nathanael under the fig tree and I asked, why a fig tree? What is so important about a fig tree? The question went unanswered; however, this morning I thought for some reason to read Matthew 25:13, but realized when I got there that really I was supposed to read Matthew 24:32-35. Lo and behold it was about a fig tree! Then in intercession someone felt the need to read a section in the bible, and on the previous page was a story about a fig tree! It was in Matthew 21:18-22. I thought “well God must be trying to tell me something.” So I challenge you to read about fig trees and discover what God is trying to tell you.
Tuesdays lectures were about making God our deepest pleasure and how only He can literally fill the deepest desire’s of our heart. It is something we often fill with human relationships, and eventually sin. The further we try to fill our desires the further God becomes from us. Tuesday afternoon a group of americans/canadians went to the visa office to get our visa’s so we can travel, and it was such a weird experience for me! It sort of hit me, I’m actually in Germany, like I’m here. I’m not in Texas...its raining and cold, I’m in Germany! Then I closed my eyes and opened them again, but I was still in Germany! Its taken three weeks but it has finally sunk in. But a funny story; apparently gas in Poland is cheap, so on our way back we “stopped in Poland!” So in one day I realized I’m in Germany, but also took a pit stop in Poland. Mind blowing! After our stop in Poland it was time for outreach and our mission was to ask God for an image then go out and “treasure hunt” for that item/person/house and see what God wants us to do. So I got my image-a yellow house with a bronze door handle. So all excited I set out on my mission and get down the street when I look around and realize, every other house is a yellow house! I said to myself “oh man, God what is going on?” I kept walking and felt like I was supposed to simply pray for each yellow house I came across, and that is just what I did! There were three houses I felt lead to leave a track at, so I did that too. It was cool to listen to God and see what He wanted me to do. That night we had worship and it was, once again, amazing. God so wants to make Himself known when His people sing out to Him! Afterwards I tried to update my blog but my mind was running wild with excitement so Rosemary and I went for a walk/stargazing, and talked about what is going on in our life, it was an awesome time of fellowship.
This morning in intercession I walked into the tent to discover a gigantic map covering the entire floor! We were asked to remove our shoes and stand around the outside. Then the guy talked a little about YWAM’S vision and asked us all to stand on a place and just pray for that city/country. When that was done they played music and we danced for the Lord, literally! It was beyond anything I’ve experienced before, but it was a joyful time of praise. The next prayer time was spent lifting up the nations YWAM Herrnhut has missionaries in (Ethiopia, Czech Republic, Germany, India, and a few more) and that was cool! I choose Czech because I know more about their culture and I’ve experienced it before. The next prayer time we were supposed to ask God where to stand and pray and I thought for sure I’m supposed to pray for Egypt-after all that’s where I want to go! But I found myself standing over Ocean City, Maryland praying that there would be more churches than clubs, a wave of strength and courage for the churches already there and a change of heart in the people there. Then I thought oh I’ll pray for San Antonio, but once again found myself standing over Acuna, Mexico crying out for the children I met who live in the streets who may or may not still be alive. I prayed God would touch them with His gentle hands. I prayed justice would be done with the drug cartels taking over and I prayed God would bless those who are faithful to Him there, it is such a dark place. So in all, it was an intense growing experience for me.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Lots of Topics!
Skype saves lives. I was so happy to talk with my family and friends on saturday! Whoever invented skype is a genius. Anyways, thursday and friday were jam packed with lectures and activities and I want to talk about each of them! Thursday’s lecture jumped from hearing God’s voice, making decisions and facing our fears. When hearing from God, one of the biggest mistakes is comparing ourself to other people (regarding how they hear from God). I do this all the time, and I never knew it was a stronghold! God is very personal and speaks to each person in a way He knows we’ll hear Him. How mean and cruel would it be if He spoke to us knowing we wouldn’t be able to hear Him? That is not His nature. Dan told a funny story about wanting to get scripture from God (He doesn’t usually get scripture) so He felt that God said Obadiah verse nine, go ahead, look it up! Did you do it? I’m sure you can tell that it was not from God, just his human mind wanting to try and speak for Him. I was laughing so hard! Dan is such a funny person, and I heard his books are just as funny as he is in person, so I suggest reading them! The next topic was on making decision, and trust me, my ears were wide open because making important decisions are hard for me. He didn’t talk long about it but a few points I got were:
- Include God in all my decisions, even the simple ones! Then it becomes easier to discern His “opinion” from others
- What would Jesus do?
- Analyzing a past decision often leads nowhere, there is no point worrying about “what could’ve been” because it didn’t happen. We are commanded to give our all, so why would we look back on something we have no control over? God is in control.
- If peace and joy are not the result of a decision, it is the wrong one. However, other emotions can be involved as well. For example, I had to make a tough decision to stop running track my junior year and I was so devastated, I love it! But I knew that God had other plans, which is where the joy and peace came in. It is okay to have other emotions, but joy and peace should be the strongest.
- At the end of the day, when you have strived after God and need to make a choice but He hasn’t spoken super clear yet, trust His character above all else, and do something. Dan told a story about a friend who has a calling for missions that he got at a younger age but to this day has not gone to the mission field because God “hasn’t told him where yet.” We must not waste our entire life waiting for exact confirmation because the opportunity will pass.
The next topic was on fear and I loved this one! Fear is directly related to our image that God is too small, this invites fear into our lives and it takes up the place where God should reign in us. So, fear is also an invitation to run to God. He wants to prove Himself faithful because He isn’t too small. Some fears we listed were:
- the unknown
- failing
- human opinion
- being misunderstood
- being helpless
God does not want us to be fearful, how can we be used if we are scared? So when facing our fears we need to be aware of them by asking God to show us when we are caught in them so we can turn and give the fear to God, He will remain strong when we can not.
Friday was an amazing day. I woke up in prayer, smiling and laughing all morning, I had no idea why! Then worship came. We poured everything we had into worship that morning, God’s presence was so strong! Joy laughter and warmth filled the tent and in the middle of a song, “Your love never fails, it never gives up, it never runs out on me” the electricity goes out buttt there wasn’t even a second of hesitation in our worship! Our voices grew stronger, the praises louder and the love deeper, it was amazing. We didn’t need music, just a reason to sing. Oh man, I wish each of you were there to experience it. Lecture was filled with funny stories from Dan Bauman, a good end to a week full of deep topics I thought. During the second lecture his friend came from outreach in Amsterdam to talk with us about God’s love for us. It was very encouraging, he was only twenty years old. It was so cool to see that sort of passion and devotion from such a young guy, we need more like him! We prayed for each other, that we would gain deeper revelation of God’s love for us and then we were done for the week! That afternoon I went to the cafe with a few girls and we worked on our journals, talked about life and just laughed. It was a wonderful afternoon, followed by a weird evening haha. We played some phase 10 and at 9:30 decided it would be fun to go get some pizza in town, so a few of us did. On our way out we ran into Dan and his friend so we were able to say our goodbyes and a girl with them happened to be going into town, yes for not having to walk through the dark forest!
Saturday a group went into Dresden, a town around an hour away that is full of shopping and things to do! It sort of reminded me of New York (from what I’ve seen in movies) and Prague mixed together, city but beautiful buildings. I went there with a mission: Find healthy food, buy a jacket, and find starbucks so I can use the free internet. And I accomplished all three things, plus more! We saw a beautiful church, took lots of pictures and Dianna and I found a cute little coffee shop and hung out in there. On the train ride back we were exhausted but had some good conversations about outreach and what God is doing in our lives, I love the opportunities I have being here.
Well it is a new week and our speaker this week is the father of Jessica, one of our staff members and I am so ready, mostly because we’re back inside! No more cold tent, finally. I am not sure what the topic is but I know it will be challenging! I did find out last night that the father of Stephanie (the girl who went home last week to see her dad) died yesterday, so if ya’ll could pray for her that would be amazing! She is such a strong girl who loves God deeply, but this must be tough. We were sad to see her leave but at least now we can pray for her, thank you so much!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
God is doing great and mighty things here in Herrnhut! The lectures have been AMAZING and each one hits right at home. Tuesday Dan taught about blessings and priorities, and my mind has totally been transformed. God doesn’t look to judge us, He is constantly looking for ways to bless us! It is what consumes Him. To top that, He doesn’t want to bless us according to our idea of blessings, or what we think we deserve, but He wants to bless us according to His standards. So, often times we find ourselves in moments of shock because God blessed us in a way we thought was impossible. It is insane! And looking back to exact moments in my life I have found this to be exactly true. I just wish I had known more about it then. But that is also what I am learning, life is about discovering more of who God is over and over and over again!
The second lecture was about priorities and this is what really got me. I learned it is more an issue of my heart when figuring out what my priorities are. So instead of putting my priorities in two different lists, say secular and spiritual, I need to put God in the middle of everything I do. Eventually He consumes every area of my life and He becomes my only priority. Its as simple as eating popcorn and thinking, “thanks God for this popcorn!”
Wednesday was amazing as well. In the first lecture we learned about passion by filling a board with definitions of the word.
-is when your heart beats fast and your mind soars with excitement
-is consuming
-is reckless devotion
-is hot not cold about something
-is something you desire to share
-is a roaring fire
-is contagious
-is attracting
-kills fear of man
-is defining
-demands action
-is long term
Along with defining passion we came to the realization that passion surpasses emotions and remains despite the circumstances. It is based on God’s commitment to me and my commitment to Him because God’s character is the foundation of passion. So I ask, what are you passionate about?
Monday, October 10, 2011
Prison in Iran?
“The first thing I want to share with you about life in prison is the faithfulness of God” were the first words out of Dan Bauman’s mouth this morning as he began to share numerous stories of his life in India, Afghanistan and Iran (only a few places he has lived). In each place God directed and protected him, despite the doubt of his human mind. He challenged me tremendously in areas like depending more on God’s character more than my ability to do something perfect, putting aside my fear because there is no fear that keeps God away or that keeps me from obeying God and knowing that no matter what I do for Him, it only matters that I do it with Him and out of a intimate relationship with Him. So, looking for ways to discover God throughout the day I had a thought, ask God to do my tasks with me! So as I was washing windows, I asked God to join me, and we washed windows. It was just a little thing but it was so cool! I encourage you all to do the same, the results are insane!
Later we had a school meeting to pray over one of the students who needs to go home to her dying father. It was a very sad moment for our school because we love her very much and it is so sad to see her go home, she probably won’t be coming back. But of course, it is understandable for her to go home, she was strong enough to come for a week! Our prayers are definitely with her.
After that meeting we had our first small group bible study! I am in Jessica’s, one of our leaders, and we decided to study John, one of my favorites. In my group are three americans, one british, one german and one dutch. I love being around so many internationals! The challenge this week is to read the rest of John 1 and ask God any questions we have and bring them (and the answers) to the table next monday. I love John but I am ready to read between the lines and see what else God has for me.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Tomorrow marks our second week of lecture, Dan Bauman is our speaker and the topic is “passion for Jesus.” Last week I learned so much and I can not wait to see what God has in store for us this week! We are joining the Marriage of the Arts school for lecture which I am also excited for, but because there are so many of them we will be outside in a tent. It is very cold here, add a dark tent and it is even worse! But we serve a powerful God and I am sure He will keep the cold away :) I will write again soon!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Day 1 of Lecture
The challenge has begun! Today was our first full day of lectures, our theme: hearing God’s voice. And let me tell you, it is super interesting. It’s funny how sometimes we think we know everything about a subject then we realize we know nothing! That is a little insight into my scattered and frazzled mind. We learned about intimacy with God and why to hear God’s voice we have to have a intimate relationship with Him. Our second leture we talked about the four different voices in our head, our own voice, others voice’s, the enemies and God’s. Then we spent some time breaking down strongholds as to why we don’t or “can’t” hear from God and turned it into ways TO hear from God. Our speaker told us to get alone and ask God, “what do you think of me?” and it was so powerful! We shared what God spoke to us and then she gave us some homework: Ask God what game He wants to play you and ask God what excites Him. So when I get an answer I will update!
After lectures today we took on our work duties, chores around the castle, and lucky for me I get to walk twenty minutes up a huge hill into town everyday to work in the Jesus House! It is a church/guest house/hospital that is so gracious and helpful to YWAM. Today we spent two hours raking grass, collecting nuts and moving beds.
We are about to have supper now (I finally bought my own bread) and then it’s off to s’mores at the fire pit tonight! It reminds me of home.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Moravian Tour
Okay I wasn’t planning on blogging this much but I just can’t help myself, I am learning so much! For example, today I had the privilege of going to the original Moravian church and it was nothing like I expected. First off, it was only in german (the other church in town has a translator). Secondly, everything was white; pews, curtains, windows, and even the organ. I learned later this is to signify the purity in Heaven. Oh and apparently you’re not allowed to talk, every time I did this german man two pews in front of us whipped his head back towards us. It was quite humorous.
Later we got a two and a half hour tour of Herrnhut. It started in the cemetery where members of the church are buried. Later we climbed a prayer tower and at the top I could see Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic all at once!
On a different note, one of the worlds first missionaries originated from here, and the tour guide pointed out how awesome to have a YWAM base here, because the town used to send out missionaries ages ago, so in a sense the village is finding its way back its origins! I agree with him!
Saturday, October 1, 2011
First Meeting
Wow, the presence of God is so powerful. Tonight the school had a “bbq” (German style, not Texas style) and afterward the Mobile DTS had its first meeting! It started with Julie, our leader, talking about the experience’s we’re going to share, and what YWAM stands for. We still have no clue as to where we are going but a verse that has been helping me through this time of the unknown is Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your path.” So I have nothing to worry about! After all, we made it here safely so I’m trusting that God will continue to provide.
After the announcements we had our first worship session altogether and at the end the leader had us all hold hands and continue to sing; that was AMAZING! We formed a circle so in my mind I imagined God in the middle, which was powerful enough, but then to know He is also in the middle of our hearts is so incredible. There were at least eight different nationalities present. To know that we are connected by one Spirit, and under one Name is mind blowing!
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