We have been so incredibly busy here! We start the day at 7 in the morning, and don't stop until 8 at night, and that doesn't include sermon and dance practices for outreach. So I am very tired but at the same time, energized! A lot of really cool things are happening in Switzerland. We go out for outreach every other day for four hours doing various things, monday we had a teaching outreach about giving our testimony, tuesday we went into the city of Zurich to prayer walk and do what God lead us to do and thursday we are going to work in the Red Light District here, how exciting! We went to the one in Hamburg and now we will go to the one in Zurich. During the prayer walk on tuesday we were supposed to listen to God and see why His heart breaks for this city. A few things I got were :
- riches- Switzerland is the richest country in the world and it is clearly evident everywhere. What do you give a rich person? How do you minister to people who have "everything they want?"
- priorities- people here are so focused on working to earn more money that they lose track of what is important
- shallow relationships- I really felt that because of the wealth here, many relationships are only surface level. They are focused on the outward appearance, and how good a person can make themselves look.
So while we are here we will be working with the people on these issues and I am so excited to see how God uses us to minister to this area!
Lecture this week has been amazing! Our speaker is Jim Eilson ( I think that's his last name...) and he is originally from America, woohoo! He used to be a baptist preacher and has a southern accent so I feel right at home when he is speaking. He is very fatherly and gentle, the opposite of our last few speakers. The topic is family and how a family works biblically, but many other topics have been involved. He spoke a lot about our testimony and the power of a personal testimony. Something I really liked that he said was "Your testimony is your adventure," and that was really encouraging to me because I consider my relationship with God my life adventure and I never thought of my testimony in that way before! This is also a nice topic because tomorrow night I have to give my testimony to my outreach team, and I am sort of nervous. I mean I have given my testimony multiple times but it has changed so much in these last two months, so please be in prayer as our team goes through this together!
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