Wednesday, December 7, 2011


So this week we have this speaker...and he is my least favorite so far. But nonetheless God has given him a special calling and I respect that. I am having a really hard time listening to the stuff he is teaching so I day dream a lot during lecture.. But something I have found challenging is the question "how big is your God?" Because often times, my God is too small! I put Him into a box that I think He fits in, but God wasn't meant to fit in a box-He doesn't want to be held back by our lack of faith! But we don't believe in how big He really is. Here's a good analogy. If you were to hold up a needle to the night sky and look in the tiny little head, it looks like nothing right? But in reality there are thousands of galaxies! Not stars and planets. Galaxies. The same God who invented galaxies is bigger than them yet He lives in me. Is that how big your God is? I am praying for more faith so I get to that point!
Another topic I liked was our view of reality and how a few things filter out "real reality."
-what we experience
-what we analyze
-what we believe
These all shape how we view the world around us but we don't realize that they also filter a lot out. So when an idea or fact is said, we think of it through these things and when we make up our mind on it we have a lesser reality. I don't know if that makes sense,  it was hard for me to grasp. Our speaker was talking about shaping our reality to view it more in the spiritual realm because that is all that is important. But I do not really agree with him. However, I do think it is important to make sure our reality is God's reality, meaning we live in His presence daily and do what He did when He was on the earth. We shouldn't ignore the people around us because we have God's hope living in us, they need this hope too! God wants them to have it! We are to be witness's.

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